Monday, November 11, 2013

We Are Expanding!!!

Our Family by 2 Feet!

We are very excited to announce that we are expecting our third child in early June 2014! We are all thrilled and as Ewan says 'he will be a big, big brother and Isla will now be a big sister!' 

How have I been feeling so far? Horrible!! Much worse than my two previous pregnancies, so I must apologize for being distracted in circle time as I am usually debating in my head whether or not I have time to make it to the bathroom or to just use the garbage can behind me to vomit! Any advice from moms going through a pregnancy with heavy nausea as well as families who have made the jump from 2 to 3 children is welcome!

Baby is coming at a good time of year as I will be able to almost finish each of the programs that I am teaching (Nursery School, Before school and Gym & Music classes) and have a supply teacher fill in for June. Baby and I will be back in September to teach the programs together. And yes, I do plan the birth of my children around A Gym Tale's schedule!!

We are so very excited to share this news with all of you!

Lindsay, Alan, Ewan and Isla.


  1. I had horrible morning sickness throughout both of my pregnancies. Sucking on a lemon, sipping on water and crunching ice chips helped a little....

  2. Congratulations you guys! Great news! And as for nausea....I wish I had the answer. I was physically sick to my stomach every single day of both my pregnancies until the day I delivered and then it magically went away! lol
