What a wonderful night at the parade! A very cold night, but at least the rain and snow held off. Each year the parade has been a great experience working with friends, family members and staff members to prepare a float for the event. This year, I think, was our best effort yet! Alan did a fantastic job taking part of the pirate ship apart at A Gym Tale and actually built a ship around his dad's truck - much to his dad's surprise! But he really pulled it off and it looked great! It was also so much fun getting all of our new characters out and meeting everyone. Spiderman, Batman, Wolverine, Princess Belle, Princess Aurora and, of course, Tales the dragon all made it out as well. While the superhero's ran around trying to meet as many new friends as possible, the princesses looked beautiful waving with Tales on the float. Unfortunately, with all the excitement, I forgot to take any pictures:( So if anyone was able to catch a few pic's of our float I would love it if you could email me them (info@agymtale.com).
Afterwards, we had our annual 'thank goodness the parade is over' celebration party back at a Gym Tale with lots of pizza, hot chocolate and 'Glee' themed karaoke songs. Thank you everyone for your help, we really had a great night!
I wish I could have been there. I would have loved to meet that Wolverine guy. His muscles were HUGE. He also looked like the most entertaining guy ever!!!! Too bad he's never around when I am... weird...