Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall is underway!

Fall begins this week and it marks my full return to A Gym Tale! I have tried to transition myself back to work slowly over the past 2 weeks - first with Welcome sessions and Small Group sessions for Nursery School students and now this week with a full nursery school class and Gym & Music classes. It has been wonderful to be back - but also absolutely exhausting! I am starting to adapt to the very early mornings again as well as all of the food preparation needed - lunches are a lot of work to pack each night! The kids are also beginning to adjust - it is a lot of stimulation 3 days a week, but they are also very much enjoying themselves. I have never seen Ewan so excited as he was on his first day back to school!

Nursery School has really been going well and I am really liking the changes to the routine and classroom that we have implemented. We have a wonderful group of kids enrolled this year and they are very excited to be joining the program (most of them anyway - I still have a few to convince!). Here are a few pictures of our new set up - 

Gym & Music classes also begin this week! Although I was terribly nervous this morning, they went very well and I was able to get right back into the groove of running the classes. It was really nice seeing familiar faces as well as meeting so many new families. I do still have space in each of the age groups, so if you are looking for something to keep the kids active as the weather is becoming colder send me an email and check out the schedule here.

And one more reminder that our contest is coming to a close on September 20th for the Ipad and 5 Drop In Play pass card, so the more friends that 'Like' A Gym Tale on Facebook and post that you referred them, the more entries you will have in the draw. Good luck!

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