Since Alan's last post we have not found out the gender of this baby - nor will we:) I thought this would be difficult, but I am actually just fine with waiting - maybe it is Alan's need to know that is motivating me! As of now, there is no need for any further ultrasounds, so the baby's gender will continue to remain a welcome surprise. Unfortunately, I am really not feeling any better than I have been. Although at the beginning of the month I thought my energy levels were starting to increase - they have since been on the decline and I am back to sleeping an average of 10-12 hours a day or dreaming that I was sleeping.

At A Gym Tale, the month of March has been a busy and exciting month. Registration for the September
Before and After School program as well as the morning and afternoon Nursery School program began and we are very excited to see so many returning families and younger siblings joining the programs. We are also very pleased to welcome all of the new families who will be joining us next year.
March Break camps also took place and were a huge success! Each and every space was filled and the camp program ran wonderfully. We were lucky to have such a wonderful group of enthusiastic kids who were always up for the themed obstacle courses, gymnastics skill building, group games on the playground, themed art and hanging out with Spiderman!
We are very excited for the Summer Camp program and to a new season of fun activities!
March Break also gave me some extra time with my own kids and we spent a lazy week playing and creating in our basement. The kids were thrilled to stay in pj's each day and not have to hurry for anything. Alan was away on business and I was lucky to have my mother in law come by in the mornings as I went in to A Gym Tale and then I rejoined the kids at home afterwards. Since winter has been dragging on, I decided to attempt making a sunshine quilt that week - I accomplished about half of it and then the break ended. I will need to wait for my next week off to finish as I simply do not have any extra time right now - bedtime is now 7:30 with the kids:(
Spring enrolment for the
Gym & Music classes also took place and the session has had a wonderful start! We have had a great turn out - the miserable weather leaves visiting the parks still nowhere in sight. But I am so happy to have so many families join me in the classes for the next few months. I will be leading the classes until mid May, at which point one of my fantastic hostesses will take over for me. I can't say that I am not excited to have my next break in sight - I will miss seeing and chatting with everyone each week, however, disinfecting the playground is becoming quite the challenging task each morning!
Lastly, I will end this update with baby names. We have NOTHING that we agree on and this baby may end up nameless for a long time! I love the name Henry for a boy and no other as of yet. And girl names I am looking for a name that is a little more extravagant. Alan likes no boy names at all (really not helpful) and Arya for a girl (another 4 letter name that begins with a vowel - his weird rule on names!)
K, so... Lindsay just ran to the bathroom to throw up and asked me to post this for her. I see she mentioned our issue with compromising on a name. Is that really something you should really even compromise on. I mean, no offence but Lindsay's ideas for names kind of suck. Henry is a repeated alias in English monarchy that my Scottish ancestors despised (according to Braveheart).
If you named your daughter any of these names, you are awesome... Arya (GoT), Maisie (plays Arya in GoT), Adora (He-Man's twin sister), Iona (like Isla, another Scottish isle).
Boy names are pretty lame but they've gotta be better that what Lindsay is proposing.
Yes, I know Lindsay has to grow this human being inside her and should have a say - but that's only for 9 months of the baby's life. This baby will have to live with this name forever. I can't imagine one of us will just cave with an "alright, fine" for such an important decision. I've tried to explain that her ideas are poor but she doesn't understand. How do we find a middle ground?