Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bringing my Son to Work

For the past month, I have been fortunate enough to have Ewan attending morning Nursery School as well as a Tuesday morning play group. The convenience of having my son with me and the opportunity to spend time with him and watch him grow and learn are some of the reasons why starting A Gym Tale made sense for myself and my husband.

However, along with those benefits comes finding the balance between meeting the needs of my family and those of our guests at A Gym Tale.

Within the Nursery School program, I have a wonderful group of children who welcome Ewan into the program and try to teach and play along with him, while at the same time understanding when he accidentally sits on their laps in circle time! Ewan is very content to wonder around and watch the children during free play - which is also helping him to become more confident in leaving my side. And throughout the songs and music portion, Ewan is learning to participate, sing and master the actions of a variety of rhymes and songs. As well, seeing all of the 'big' kids eating snack and chatting at the table also reinforces that he needs to be sitting, eating and taking in how the other children connect.

Unfortunately, with the Play Class, it has not been quite so smooth. And I must thank the parents for their patience and effort in helping me deal with my miserable child during that class! I was hoping for the opportunity to have Ewan socializing with children his own age, two of which are his cousins. However, the timing just isn't working. In an effort to have him nap only in the afternoon instead of 2 naps during the day- one of which tends to go over dinner time, he is just unable to participate for the entire class. And although I love seeing him perform all of the circle songs at the beginning, it is just too hard for him to make it to the end.

I am very thankful that my business allows for the opportunity to maximize the time I have to be with my family and I am also very thankful for the support of so many families!

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